Why Choose Us?
Astrapi provides a full set of consulting and engineering services to support the design and implementation of spiral-based signal modulation telecommunication systems. As the pioneer and world leader in this field, we have a level of expertise that no one else has. And we have the only complete software environment designed specifically for designing and testing spiral-based communication systems.
Astrapi provides IP licenses for use of its spiral modulation technology, use of spiral modulation in R&D environments, and for commercial use.
Engineering and Consulting Services
Spiral-Based Waveform Design. Thousands of papers have been written on traditional periodic signal modulation. Non-periodic spiral-based signal modulation is much more powerful, but also much more subtle, and very little of the key research has yet been published. Astrapi is the only company with deep expertise in this area, and we provide consulting and engineering services to help you to design a communication system tailored to your needs. In addition to our pioneering knowledge of the field, we are unique in having software tools specifically created to support spiral-based signal modulation design for use in telecommunication systems.
Simulation Modeling. Spiral modulation provides designers with a much wider range of options for use in their communication systems. Astrapi has developed a simulation model built in a MathWorks® MATLAB® and Simulink® environment to support RF modem design as well as other system components. Called the cCc Modulation Design Toolkit (CMDT), this simulation software produces and models spiral-based waveform designs.
Engineering Support. Spiral based signals are non-periodic, and do not behave like periodic waveforms. Astrapi is the world leader in developing and understanding the characteristics of these waveforms. Our engineers can support your team with the knowledge-base to integrate spiral signals into your communication system design.

IP Licensing
Astrapi provides IP licenses for use of its spiral modulation technology.
R&D Licensing. Astrapi provides licenses for use of spiral modulation in a test environment under special research terms.
Commercial Licensing. Licenses are available for the manufacture, distribution, and sale of products using Astrapi’s spiral modulation technology.
For more information on Astrapi patents, click here.